Tag Archives: Smartphone

The Thrill of New

While I disagree with today’s materialist society and its incessant need to improve everything, I certainly do love new stuff.  There is something thrilling about setting up a new electronic device (phone, tablet, computer, etc), buying a new car, getting a new haircut, purchasing new clothes, as well as other new things.  Maybe this is generational or related to age, but I expect I’m not alone in this enjoyment 🙂

I love personalizing my electronics including the sometimes mundane task of transferring my contacts or searching for my favorite apps.  New electronics are so pretty and fun; they’re a fresh start in some ways and force you to organize your device a little differently.  Every tablet isn’t exactly the same; each has a slightly different interface and capabilities, so these differences are exciting to explore.  Laptops and smartphones are the same way, even if you simply upgrade to a newer version of your current device (for example, Galaxy S4 to S5).

When I obtain a new device, I spend hours personalizing everything.  I transfer files and contacts, download/install my favorite apps and programs, possibly upload a few of my favorite pictures, change the lock screen and wallpaper, adjust all the settings (screen brightness, sounds, etc), arrange buttons and apps/shortcuts on the various screens, login to my accounts for easy access, and of course set a password.  After my hours of obsessive personalization, the device loses a lot of its newness and intrigue.  I still want to use my device, so I attempt to find something new to do—which usually results in my doing everything possible from said new device.  Even this loses its glory and the device returns to its usually place in my everyday life; the thrill has officially worn off.  Depending on the device and its capabilities, the thrill lasts anywhere from two days to four days (ish) with some individual features retaining their thrill over the longer term.

Thankfully, this thrill isn’t just from new electronics. I experience a similar thrill and excitement for all new things, especially material possessions: clothes, accessories, books, movies, music, furniture, apartments, even notebooks and pens, haircuts, hairstyles, and new nail polish.  Different items provide a different amount of thrill, but there’s still a thrill and a desire to show them off.  The thrill ranges from only wanting to wear my new clothes or saving a certain hairstyle for a “special” occasion (even just a day when I’m busy, so lots of people can see my new cloths or hairstyle).  Honestly, most people don’t really care, and that doesn’t bother me.  I’m still excited to be showing off my new stuff.

This isn’t the case for all new items; I don’t carrying around a new notebook or movie everywhere I go for everyone to see.  Obviously I can’t even do that with an apartment.  I’m still excited to use these things though.  A new notebook makes me excited to attend class and fill the notebook with knowledge; I’ll watch a movie the day it arrives (or read a new book as soon as I finish reading my current one, hurrying to do so); and I thoroughly enjoy creating a disaster in my new apartment as I find a place for all my stuff before inviting people over.  The easiest thrill I receive from a new item is nail polish.  I’m not very girly, but I love when my toe nails are painted.  A color change or even a fresh coat is all I need for a happy, new thrill 🙂

Having something new temporarily becomes the center of your life and can make you the center of attention which might be why I, and others, like new stuff so much.  Other people will ask where you bought your new item, if you like it, if you’re excited (about your new job or apartment) or any number of questions.  The questions and compliments may even seem overwhelming at times, especially if everyone asks the same question(s).  These questions present the perfect opportunity to boast about your great new thing though.  Sometimes being the center of attention is fun.

After obtaining a few new items recently, my time in the limelight is coming to a close, especially now that I’m a full week into my new job.  As with all new things, I was excited to start (albeit also nervous), and prior to starting, most everyone I told—directly or indirectly—wanted more information about my new position.  Granted these were a lot of the same questions, but there was still something fun about everyone wanting to talk to me.  A new job is certainly one thing that stirs up a lot more attention than a new bag, for example.  While I’ve enjoyed the spotlight, I’m also happy for my life to return to normal, which doesn’t include all eyes on me.

Sampling of New Stuff

Sampling of New Stuff

Question for Thought:  How do you react to new items?  Do you like being in the spotlight showing them off a few times before they just become another something you own?


Filed under Emotions in Life