Tag Archives: exams

End of Internship and Academics in NZ

There are no secrets to success.  It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
–Colin Powell

My week started off boring and held this theme.  I worked on my final reflective portfolio every day, slowing chipping away at it.  I also watched a movie every day, except I worked on my portfolio while watching most days.

Tuesday, I added to the boring by studying for my Advertising Media Planning exam.  This went well, but I’d rather do anything else besides read my boring notes.  These notes only reminded me how boring lectures were for this class and of the lecturer’s droning, monotone voice.

Finally something interesting happened on Wednesday: the Transit of Venus.  Despite not having anything to do at work, I chose to watch the transit from my desk.  Administration provided a live feed from the viewing room where the transit was displayed on a projector screen.  I really wanted to watch this, so I opened the site early and would also know when the transit started then.  Since my co-worker, Roni, couldn’t access the site, she watched with me.  Having someone to talk to while Venus approached the sun made the experience more interesting 🙂  Life is more fun with good company.

A day of truth: Thursday.  I did some last minute studying and took a few notes to continuously reread while I waited for my exam to start at 2pm.  The exam experience was different than any other exam I have ever sat; the environment reminded me of K-12 standardised testing because they were paranoid about cheating.  All bags were lined along the front wall; only pencils, pens, an eraser, our student ID, glasses, and a calculator could be at the table with us, but pencil cases and glasses cases were left in our bags; we had to wear out sweatshirts/jackets or leave them with our bags; and we had a proctor (her title started with an ‘i’ though).  The most paranoid part of this experience was the proctor checking our IDs to ensure we were who we claimed to be; she also seemed to use our IDs to make a seating chart of the exam room.  This, I’ve never heard of.

Despite the strictness, I think I did really well on the exam because everything I studied was on the exam and there weren’t any questions I couldn’t answer at least partially.  I know I got a couple wrong, but hopefully not many more than that.  I checked my math in the second half because I did part of it wrong…twice, so I wanted to make sure the third time really was the charm.  Since I also don’t know if double jeopardy applies, I wanted to ensure the beginning was right, in hopes of everything else being calculated correctly.  I won’t find out my results until just before I leave or shortly thereafter though.

By far, the best but saddest day was Friday.  We had a farewell party at work that was fun, but I’m also done at work and don’t know when I’ll see any of them again.  I thought our morning tea would be fairly short and not many people would come.  Instead more than half the department (Max-my primary supervisor, Shelley-my secondary supervisor, Gaye-the secretary, Jonah-…, Angela-social media, Tania-Marketing Director, Tania-my aisle buddy, Scott-my desk buddy, Belinda-social media, and Mina-talked to around the office while Caitlin-social media/communications and Roni-events would have been there if they didn’t have prior commitments) was there to share the cake and say good-bye.  Shelley said I like chocolate, so Gaye, the secretary, ordered a huge, delicious, chocolate with chocolate frosting cake that said “Farewell Bethany” across the top.

While eating the cake, Max and Shelley gave little speeches saying good-bye, thanks for all the help, and miss you.  With Max’s speech came the biggest card I’ve ever seen and two gifts (one from the department and the other special from Roni).  Folded the jumbo card is a standard size sheet of paper, maybe bigger, and everyone I worked with or worked near wrote a message 🙂  The department’s gift is a green AUT University t-shirt and Roni, who unfortunately couldn’t attend :(, gave me a beautiful Maori necklace.  The Koru—meaning new beginning or life, growth, and peace—necklace represents everything new in New Zealand to me (experiences, skills, friends, and ways I’ve grown).  To make the necklace even more special, Roni had the necklace blessed by a Maori leader on campus specifically for me 🙂 (Thank you again, Roni, for your thoughtfulness!)

A couple notes on the deliciousness of the cake: rich chocolate flavour, one seemingly small piece is a meal, and BEST CAKE EVER!  I’m not a cake lover, but I do love this cake.  Also the remaining half a cake was sent with me to eat over the weekend.  As amazing as the cake was, I could never eat that much cake.  I made meals out of the cake and still needed help from my friends.  I’m glad I could spread the cakes’ wealth to everyone.

Hopefully my papers are a success, but if they aren’t my internship definitely wasn’t 🙂  With classes more or less done and my internship done, I have free-time to travel and finish my To Do in Auckland list.

“I promise to come home to you…Don’t count the miles, count the I love yous”  –“Miles” by Christina Perri
I love you!!! –> For working on my portfolio all week
I love you!!! –> For hopefully doing well on my exam
I love you!!!  I love you!!!–> For having a great semester interning with extremely wonderful people
ILYs: 165

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